It's that's time of the year again, Hogwarts Week is here!! Once a year Collins turns into a magical place.The halls are decorated with banners for each of the "houses" and floating candles hang from the ceiling. The Edmonson Dinning Hall becomes "The Great Hall" and the laundry room turns into "The Chamber of Secrets".
Yesterday were the opening ceremonies. Students in costumes earned extra points for their "house". Which ever "house" has the most points at the end of the week wins the House Cup. There were wizarding robes and wands everywhere. Later that night there was a wand making workshop and a lecture on "ancient runes" (A linguistics professor talking about Harry Potter).
Opening ceremonies got the students for excited for the week. Which will include many Harry Potter themed events including a scavenger hunt, a wizard concert and on Saturday a game of Quidditch. Hogwarts Week is always a ton of fun. It almost makes you believe in magic.
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